Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Soccer scores a POW, too.

The Dakota Wesleyan University women's soccer team became the latest Tiger squad to get into the GPAC Player-of-the-Week act when sophomore GK Danielle Richardson won the honor on Tuesday afternoon. Richardson saved 14 shots to shut out Doane Saturday in a 2-0 win, and it was her fourth shut out in the past five games. Click here for the official GPAC release, and my release should be up soon on the women's soccer site.

Fun facts about Richardson's award: she is the first DWU women's soccer player to earn the league's POW award, and she shut out the GPAC's Offensive Player-of-the-Week (Doane's Samantha Exstrom) en route to her honor.

Meanwhile, click here to read my release on the women's soccer teams first two signings, which were also announced today.

And for those of you basketball fans who can't wait until the season tips off, the NAIA DII men's and women's preseason top 25 polls are less than a week away -- they'll be released on the NAIA site on Monday, Oct. 27.

Finally, check out these Tiger blogs. DWU head football coach Brad Pole's blog is a must-read, and if you don't think greased pigs and stealing pumpkins has anything to do with football, you are dead wrong, my friend.

There's been an update to the DWU men's golf blog, maintained by senior captain Brett Abbotts, as well. Stay tuned for other updates on Tiger sports blogs, as there are many more in the creation stages.


Towery said...

Any news on the wrestling team?

Towery said...

Any news on wrestling team?