Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First update from Branson

Hello from Branson, Missouri! I don't want to rub it in, but it's gorgeous here today ... T-shirts and shorts weather gorgeous ... so we're enjoying that while it lasts. The weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse tomorrow.

Just got back to the Quality Inn from the Tigers' 11 a.m. practice. I have a bunch of photos that I'll post later on today when I get a chance. Practice went well. The guys were shooting the ball pretty well, and some of the offensive sets looked real crisp - especially towards the end. When practice wrapped up, the team had a brief meeting with the honorary coaches (local businessmen who sponsor the teams down here) and we're about to head out for lunch.

The trip down was long (about 10 hours), but not too bad. We had a quick stop for lunch at a McDonald's somewhere in Iowa, and from there the trip actually went pretty fast. I spent a good portion of it watching The Dark Knight on my laptop. Great movie.

Once we got checked in at the hotel and settled, we had dinner at one of the best BBQ places I've ever been - Rib Crib. If you're coming down this week for the game, make sure to get there. Assistant Coach
Matt Culhane,possibly the most loyal reader of this blog, was so excited for Rib Crib he spent time Sunday night browsing their on-line menu, so he already knew what he was getting before we were even seated.

After lunch today, we'll be heading over to the Ozarks campus for both coaches and SID meetings at 3 p.m. Tonight the players will be going to the Dixie Stampede with the honorary coaches. I'll check back in later today with another update and the photos from practice.


tigerfan said...

Matt you are making it hard for those of us not there!! However, I am looking forward to reading your posts. They are a great way to get that behind the scenes stuff that you miss by not being there. Yes the Rib Crib is awesome. Will be looking forward to your next post and Go Tigers!

tigerfan said...

Matt you are making it hard on those of us not there!! Yes the rib crib is awesome. Thanks for the blog and I am looking forward to reading it daily to keep up on the behind the scenes stuff that you miss by not being there. Go Tigers!

oldsid said...

Have fun in Branson Mr. Higgins. I too enjoyed the Rib Crib two years ago a couple times, the 2-meat combo is the best around. Make sure you take in a lot of the other sites down there like the Ducks and Waxy O'Sheas with the staff. Good luck Coach Hemenway and the Tigers.